Audio Driver Settings broken

I’m having this error on recent previews (6.7.0130)
Before having the error my aplication was crashing silently while playing audio.
I’ve have removed all old NAudio folders in Nugets and fresh install, without success.

After this issue, i can’t use audio at all, and Audio Configuration panel is broken.
I was able to reproduce this behavior on several machines, with no previous issues related to Audio.

Well, it looks something is missing here

After installing the missing dependencies, no red nodes but the silent crashing persist.

No problems / crashes here. Tested with 6.7-0130 and 6.7-0134.

@bjoern are you using any ASIO drivers and / or wasapi for playback.

Tried with WASAPI and Fruity Loops ASIO drivers.

AudioPlayer.vl (16.7 KB)

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Start VVVV, create a new patch, add Audio as dependency, open Audio configuration panel, press Enable, and i get this.
(6.7-0134 version)

I’ve open my application with version 6.3 & i don’t get the silent crashing.

More valuable information about silent crash.
If i keep open and visible the AudioPlayer patch, no silent crash.

Something is fishy in VL.Audio since 6.3 version

There are 2 issues described in this post.

1- Audio driver settings issue described in the first part.
2- Silent crash.

Regarding the Silent Crash.
I found the bugger.

The problem happens when DoSeek while Playing a file.

-It looks scrubbing .flac files is more harmful than using other formats. (Definetly it’s about .flac)
-If the patch is not visible the issue happens sooner. (Not 100% sure about this)
-First the sound stops, and after a while vvvv is unresponsive.

DoSeek_AudioPlayer.vl (9.4 KB)

No crash here. Tested with 6.7-0136. WASAPI and Fruity Loops ASIO.
Added DriverSettings to the patch.

DoSeek_AudioPlayer_WithSettings.vl (19.3 KB)

The Flac file I used:
Test.7z (790.3 KB)

And the settings that were used for export:

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@bjoern With your file i don’t get any weird behavior.
With my files (downloaded from bandcamp, with same internal format, some at 44100Hz others at 48000Hz, and longer than yours > 200 secs) i get a crash after some seconds.
Not using ASIO drivers here, i get the same results using Wasapi than default device.

More investigation:
No issues so far with .mp3 and .wav files, independently of the length, i’ve tried with 10 min files, diferent formats & sample rates.

Console doesn’t show anything.

It looks that it’s around .flac files with a certain duration

Update: Tested with 2 other computers running 6.7-0148 build, same behavior

I don’t know if it’s related, just opened this in my laptop, 6.7-0148 build
If the file is not found the player get’s pink

can share such a .flac file so that we have a chance to reproduce the issue?

the good news: with the .flac file you sent me via DM i can reproduce the issue on a Win10 PC, not on a Win11 PC. What are you testing on?

the bad news: even with a debugger attached i get no hint at what’s going on the moment the sound stops.

Did you try with other versions? There have been some important changes in audio since then.

Tested on win 10 machines, i can try on win 11 at the office as soon i’m back in the big city.

I can tell you the symptoms, but you guys are the doctors 😅

@joreg What about the drivers settings issues i explain in the first part?

6.3 on the win10 pc shows the same problem. but actually there’ve not been substantial changes to in a while. which changes are you referring to?

the thread is a bit hard to follow. i was under the impression they are somehow linked for you?! anyway i cannot reproduce an issue with driver settings here. i can only recommend: remove all mention of “VL.Audio.*” and “NAudio” from your nuget folder since the right versions of those are anyway shipping with vvvv, no need for manual downloads there.