Asio and Bass,Testers Request :)

Here we go,a collection of nodes using Bass Library (version 0.3.1 alpha)

  • Offers Asio input/output
  • Standard sound analysis tools (FFT,RMS), that you can use during playback
  • Mixing capabilities (Allow matrix mixing, so you have full control over your speakers).

Please note that this is a PRE-Release ONLY, so this is not intended for production.

The idea with this release is to test the sample patches (included in the download) on different devices, so I can make a first stable version prior to work on the advanced features.

If some of you can take some time to try the sample patches and post any problems you experience on this forum that would be greatly appreciated.

I will include a more extensive documentation soon.

EDIT: This plugin requires vvvv beta17.

Plugin Page

Thanks in advance for your help

hello and thanks

here is my config :
dual core 2 X1800 , 3328 Mo Ram , Vista Home Edition , sp1
sound card :m-audio fast track ultra

i’ve no success with your plugins , maybe an error from me…
here an example of errors messages
( i can’t have sound with any of the .v4p )

example for
asio_play files.v4p

Everything you know is wrong
physical : in use= 27, total = 2097152 kb, avail = 2097152 kb
virtual : in use= 4, total = 2097024 kb, avail = 2008336 kb
paging : in use= 0, total = 4194304 kb, avail = 4194304 kb

00:00:00 - : Hid (Human Interface Devices) DeviceController - OnDeviceChange
00:00:00 - : enumerating game devices
00:00:02 * : Duplicate NodeName. Ignoring: ‘:FREEFRAME:\Trautner.dll’
00:00:02 * : Duplicate NodeName. Ignoring: ‘:FREEFRAME:\Contour.dll’
00:00:03 * : Duplicate NodeName. Ignoring: ‘:FREEFRAME:\ColorTracker.dll’
00:00:03 - : Audio Out, Set plugin Host Start
00:00:03 - : Audio Out, Set plugin Host End
00:00:03 * : couldn’t find/create node (ID: 1) in patch root.v4p ////. deleting action.
00:00:03 - : Hid (Human Interface Devices) DeviceController - OnDeviceChange
00:00:03 - : Plugin (Plugin).Channel Countslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:00:03 - : Plugin (Plugin).Channel Countslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!


One thing I forgot to mention, works on beta 17 only (as beta16 doesn’t have pin.IsConnected property yet).

Do you have the outputs appearing when you run:

And also need to make sure that you replace _PluginInterfaces.dll and _Utils in the plugin folder.

If you still have problems (or if it works :) ) please let me know.


yes , beta 17 here

asio_list_channels.v4p = ok ( 6 in +2 s/pdif) and 8 out )

i’ve yet try to replace _PluginInterfaces.dll and _Utils in the plugin folder…

and here what’s happen :

for asio_play files.v4p ( or asio_rms.v4p ), i’ve :

first i’ve this always running :

00:00:28 ERR : Error: Start failed
00:00:28 ERR : Error: Start failed
00:00:28 ERR : Error: Start failed
00:00:28 ERR : Error: Start failed
00:00:28 ERR : Error: Start failed

this stop when i change the path of the sample to read but then i’ve this:

00:01:01 - : Plugin (Plugin).Lengthslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!
00:01:01 - : Plugin (Plugin).Channel Countslicecount can only be set on pins set to manual!

for info , simple_play.v4p works of course…


just saw that bug, when you change a file name, try to put back the play pin to 0, then to 1 again on the file stream.

I will fix that refresh issue in the next release.

Please tell me if it works, or not.


Hi vux,

great work. I just had a quick look.
So there not so much to tell.
But when I tried the asio_mixer_sterei patch it sound
likes the Filestreams a pitch down.
If I add more channels the pich goes deeper and depper.
Sounds like Dup Step Extrem :-)

And this Error Message appears:
00:07:36 ERR : Error: join failed


Hi Phlegma,

did you added channels to the mixer node or to the audioout?

How many output channels do you have (run asio_list_channels.v4p to check, just check the spreadcount on the output pin)?


yes ! works !( asio_play files_test1.v4p )

other little bugs :

when you change mono 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 , stop play

loop = 0 or 1 , same : loop is on

sometimes , it’s seems that’s if i want 2 different files on each file stream , i 've to disconnect the second filestream of the "cons " then reconnect…

but if i disconnect one or the 2 , sound is always playing…!!!


-for the mono, same bug as filestream (I need to reset the stream to swap to mono).
-for the looping, yes, stupid mistake on my part → Next update.

About the connections, still reviewing the exact behaviour I want to put, so this is definitely not finalized.

Thanks for the list tho :)

no problem
really cool to have asio support now…;-)


I change the channels at the mixer with channel count 2.
When I choose the DirectSound Device I have two channels,
the Asio4All shows me 8.


Yes Asio4all does the same for my card.

I’m not sure if this is emulating an 8 channel output or if there is a bug in asio4all.

Best way would be to ask on their forum.
