so, how do i connect them to the arduino board? i am a newbie…
5v power to > 5v supply
Gnd > 0v ground
pin 7 > trigger input
pin 6 > echo output
and connected to arduino with the RS232 module.
settings are here set, so it should be working:
like baud rate 9600 , right com port and so on.
→ in VVVV there is this gaussian blur code where i can deform the blur with moving my mouse.i would like to replace the mouse by this ultrasoundcontroller. is this possible?
I guess the SRF05 thing is covered in the paper-based book “physical computing” by Tom Igoe.
Recommended in any case:
→ in VVVV there is this gaussian blur code where i can deform the blur with moving my mouse.i would like to replace the mouse by this ultrasoundcontroller. is this possible?
of course! you’ll get a value (presumably 0…1024?) out of your arduino, then use mapRange to scale it values.
hm. will the srf05 deliver only a trigger… or a scalar value??