hi guys, im new here, this its my second post…
i made the patch akaimdp24a long long time ago, i didt know how to use spreads on that time, i guess this was one of my firts patchs…
taking a look of a pach on how to map the new minikorgs i found that many of you use spreads insted of multiple MidiNotes… so i buid the hole patch again using spreads
bouth works, but the new one ( with spreads ) it REALY slow!, and i cant understand why, it double the cpu ussage and a the project move realy slow after loading that patch, any idea why ?
its any problem by using many manu midinote nodes ? ( i need 64 diferent ones + 14 midivalue )
hi guys, im new here, this its my second post…
i made the patch akaimdp24a long long time ago, i didt know how to use spreads on that time, i guess this was one of my firts patchs…
taking a look of a pach on how to map the new minikorgs i found that many of you use spreads insted of multiple MidiNotes… so i buid the hole patch again using spreads
bouth works, but the new one ( with spreads ) it REALY slow!, and i cant understand why, it double the cpu ussage and a the project move realy slow after loading that patch, any idea why ?
its any problem by using many manu midinote nodes ? ( i need 64 diferent ones + 14 midivalue )
i like to have the habiliti to asing a pad or fader very easy in the other patchs, i have all i nead in a single R node.
the problem here it why the second patch which its “better” and more “logical” than the firts one, its heavier in cpu lodad
kalle you made me feel realy stupid :P
tnks for the tip men! now it works realy fast!!
im listening to only 16 faders insted of 2048 , big diference here :)
i dont feel the diference with my old pach, but this one it much better, i really need the damper on all the knobs on and off
and why the bufer lengh ? what diference can i have by changing that ?
o… kalle if you find a solucion to this one you will be my new hero ( now its Optimun Prime jeje )
on the akaimdp24 and on triguerfinguer there its an opcion for “aftertouch”, that meen that i can keep presing the same pad and it can mesure the wheigh over it, wast able to use this on any software … vvvv coud be the exepcion ?
well, i’m not a developer of vvvv, so i can’t explain this in detail. but i noticed that an increasing bufferlength causes decreasing performance of your midi-nodes.
i furthermore assume that this buffer’s intention is to prevent possible data loss. the midi-nodes are pretty old parts of vvvv; i think even beta 1 had them. so possibly older machines could eventually miss some data; i never experienced this with recent machines though.