5 Screen Setup

has someone an idea to make a 5 screen setup, running on one PC. looks like most graphiccards support only 4.

the desired resolution is pretty special as well, 3840x600…

is there a card out there i’m not aware of ?

With that resolution, you should be able to use tripleheads

Edit: or is that resolution per screen?

per screen ;)

looks like none of the available solution does it, neither quadro nor datapath stuff.
looks like i need to go “boygrouping”

An eyefinity6? Not sure they make them anymore, but I coiuld sell you one ;)
Depends how much grunt you need…

or two GPUs

Sidenote… what kind of screen has that resolution?

i have an eyefinity card and i always had problems with it…like tearing, funky drivers. i’ll go boygrouping

A slightly unconventional way to do it could be to use one of the multi output cards from matrox, like: http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/products/graphics_cards/c-series/c680/ and combine it with an nvidia card with horsepower.
Not sure how well it will work though.

The FirePro W9100 can drive up to six 4K displays according to specs.

Edit: I think performance-wise the card should also do fine since the total res isn’t that much more than 1*4k.

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@bjoern , this card looks interesting. i always tend to ignore the AMD’s for no reason. i will look into that one.

@DiMiX, this card might work as well or is slightly underpowered since i’m going 3840x600@50…maybe an alternative to the FirePro

If its giving an EDID wouldn’t any card be fine outputting to it?

@catweasel what do you mean, any card ? i need 5 outputs with 3840x600@50. that’s not something any card can do. and yeah, special EDID since the screen doesn’t officially support 50hz.

Ah ok, 2 cards then or 2 pc’s ;)
But if the screen doesn’t support 50Hz, your just going out your way to make it hard on yourself ;)

it has to be 50hz

and it’s better to use one card since it’s a video wall and everything needs to be in framesync.

and i want to reduce the amount of hardware since one pc is less than two pc’s which could burn ;)

With Firepro cards you can load/force custom EDIDS.

you could also go for a 4 out card (like the w8100) then using a dp splitter at one of the ports… as 9100 is quite expensive

@milo since the resolution and EDID business is slightly funky, i better not use a splitter since i don’t know how this one handles the EDID business. we 're going for the 9100 and see how this works.

please update with your findings when you know more

@u7 as its all digital ati will recognize as display which you can assign edid to and create eyefinity with. but at the end your right this are cheap devices and we faced some issues using them like that they reorder screens after restarting the machine sometimes … so if you want to make sure go for 9100