i’m trying to get a mesh from two spreads of points, but failing. i guess proper indexing is the problem … the two spreads dont have the same spreadcount for starters. not sure how to describe the problem, so here is an image of what i would like to achieve:
and here is what i got so far … looks nearly right except for the missing polygons and the confusion because of the difference in spreadcount (i guess):
if you stay somewhat cylindrical and mostly convex then you can unwrap your vertices to a single line keeping the distances between neighbours both for bottom part and for top part, in 2D offset the lines on y like top goes up, bottom goes down, do a 2D delaunay and use the resulting index buffer on your 3D vertices. If there are missing triangles because of the unwrapping biz, you can fill them in manually and attach that to the end of the index buffer. at least that’s what I’d do at first try.
i messed around with the triangulation nodes you suggested and got some interesting results, although not what I wanted :)
i think now, maybe this is to difficult for my skill level. so i looked at blenders animation nodes … there is one called “loft” which does what i want automagically.
(grasshopper would do the trick to of course, but the polylines change about 10 times per second containing up to 1500 points, which grasshopper can’t handle well)
i also thought of using a cylinder mesh, resample my polylines to have as much points as the x-resolution of cylinder and use the resampled points to translate the verts of the cylinder. does that make sense (i’m new to polygons :) )