Typo Stretcher

i built this vvvv gamma patch as a little exercise on how to deal with typography and skia paths. its a copy of one of andre burniers fantastic typography works. it also uses the typospread node by bjoern.

theres also a node called “DrawTypospread” that shows how to draw the 2d pointlist from typospread, including holes, which might be usefull,

any tricks to improve or extend the patch are very welcome.

dl here.


I think the “typospread” was posted by @motzi :

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Newbie question: I can see that SampleMultipath node uses GetPositionAndTangent node internally, which is from SkiaSharp. But I’m unable to understand why SkiaSharp folder in the node browser green? I know that usually I get green folders if it is a .Net nuget and not a VL one, but I looked into this patch’s Menu > Dependencies > .Net Nugets and only GeometryTools is checked.

^ The patch I have opened here is the one that elektromeier has posted at the very top

Another question that I wanted to ask: How did you know that you need to use GetPositionAndTangent node? Is this because you are well versed with Skia APIs? (Asking as this node is not exposed in VL.Skia.)

Updated my above comment for clarity and better tone. Please re-read it if you have read it earlier and couldn’t follow what I said.