@joreg all values are initialized correctly, I have a cue in the beginning of the composition that contains all the initial values for all existing Parameters. then I start animating a value (lets say /Lift/Height) after it reached its desired value I animate other parameters in the same module (say /Lift/Width and /Lift/Pos) but /Lift/Height is static, here comes the problem /Width will take the place of /Height coz the spread is only of 2… the only way to keep it in order is to keep sending the value of /Height… Am I being clearer?
right, finally got you. lets see if that helps then:
OSCDemo.v4p (13.1 KB)
@joreg YES, that did it! so simple, Thanks
I have a slightly different order of S+H AsValue and such…thats not important right?
@ofersmi if it works for you…
@joreg and @microdee and @velcrome and @antokhio Thanks so much! this is gold.
I love vvvv forums!
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