I followed the xfile tutorial on the forums step by step
without result:
still the same black, empty renderer window.
First in Maya 6.0 (direct x sdk april 2006, xfile -exporter plugin) I exported a primitve sphere (but in the export selected options there were no “File Type Specific Options” —>: “not available” followed the announcing line, don’T know if this is a problem.)
Nonetheless i proceeded, creatin the xfile, draw fixed, fill and renderer node, connecting them as described in the tut + choosing the previously exported .x file with the sphere ----> black, empty renderer window. What’s wrong?
Help! A complete newb, greeetz.
Nonetheless i proceeded, creatin the xfile, draw fixed, fill and renderer node, connecting them as described in the tut + choosing the previously exported .x file with the sphere ----> black, empty renderer window. What’s wrong?
do you know where in the “world” your .x-object is?
connect a BoundingBox (EX9.Geometrie Mesh) to your mesh and you might see interesting coordinates.
but thats only an assumption.
do you know where in the “world” your .x-object is?
connect a BoundingBox (EX9.Geometrie Mesh) ? to your mesh and you might see interesting coordinates.
but thats only an assumption.
Mhh, what do the out-pins exactly stand for within the BoundingBox node?
Lower Left of Complete Mesh: -4.3895
Upper Right of Complete Mesh: 4.3895
Center of Complete Mesh: -4.3895
Scale of Complete Mesh: 8.7789
Lower Left - Subsets: -4.3895
Upper Right - Subsets: 4.3895
Center - Subsets: 0.0000
Scale - Subsets: 8.7789
Is this outta sight? Or maybe a shader prob?
Thx, for answering Kalle!
ahem, i think the Outpins just declare themselves. ?!?!?
I am just wondering about Center and LowerLeft being the same.
perhaps you are inside of the object with your camera?
hope you did connect a camera to your renderer? otherwise you surely won’t see anything.
have a look at some of the helppatches or girlpowerpatches to see how to connect a camera to a renderer. be sure to connect the right pins.
use the key “p” to dolly the camera.
maybe first connect a quad to be sure that the camera works.
ahem, i think the Outpins just declare themselves. ?!?!?#
Not to me in case of subsets? What the heck?
I am just wondering about Center and LowerLeft being the same.
Yep, it’s thought-provoking. But i checked this twice, definitley being the same.
have a look at some of the helppatches or girlpowerpatches to see how to connect a camera…
No prob with that. Camera is online an workin’!
I think it’s a prob with my maya x xporter. It’s about the xfile, cuz attaching one of the xfiles provided within the helppatches works fine. Object is visible. But none of my files works. F…!
Reinstallation of the dxsdk and reloading the plugin yielded no succsess.
Any idea? Thx so far folks!
maybe try to analyze your mesh a little bit with nodes like Mesh (Split), VertexBuffer (Split), VertexDeclaration…
have a look at the positions of the vertices and the indices.
or maybe share the xfiles with us?
or maybe share the xfiles with us?
Right Said Fred!
Here we go:
“Attachment Attempt” the 2nd:
let’s try it this way:
xof 0303txt 0032
template AnimTicksPerSecond {
DWORD AnimTicksPerSecond;
template Frame {
template Matrix4x4 {
array FLOAT matrix16;
template FrameTransformMatrix {
Matrix4x4 frameMatrix;
template Vector {
template MeshFace {
DWORD nFaceVertexIndices;
array DWORD faceVertexIndicesnFaceVertexIndices;
Mesh pSphereShape1_Mesh {
etc (deleted)
mhh, no good idea, character count obviously restricted.
How do attachments work in here?
attachments in forum currently don’t work.
please use a file gallery or upload the file somewhere else and post the link
-did you try to extract the vertex infos within a patch (with the nodes i suggested)?
-do you see something when you use “drawfixed” or “constant” shaders?
if that doesn’t help…
-on the left side whre menu is there is an option to upload a file.
-sorrily the attachment function doesn’t work right now. will be fixed soon…
ampop, thx for the info. My webspace is offline right now.
gregsn, thank you very much, i’ll try your suggestions out later.
Momentarily I’m stressed out with 3 parallel projects.
But I’ll tune into this topic soon. Thx so far.
Not to me in case of subsets? What the heck?
sorry. of course thats not that clear.
when you have an .x -file consisting of e.g. 10 single objects you get spreads with spreadcount(10) telling you about the centers etc. of the single objects
I’m baack…
Dana, Fox, comin!.. here’s my x-file:
expert’s quest!
thx in advance!
there seems to be a bug in the boundingbox node. center is always same as lower left. i’ll check that.
your sphere.x seems valid. i can view it with an other directx-viewer. i have no idea why vvvv wont show anything, but opening the xfile in a texteditor i see there is some animation-data saved in the file. strange, but maybe that is what vvvv doesn’t like. do you have any options on export to exclude animation?
Thank you, joreg.
There’s a popup with the directX export options.
I set the animation dropdown to false and reassured myself that there’s no animation (keys, channels…) in my scene at all.
No success. Maybe there’s an exporter bug indeed?
mm…i think it is a vvvv problem, however i have no idea yet what it could be…i’m reading…
ah…got it.
your xfile contains color information for each vertex with alpha=0.
the drawfixed node and all fixedfunction effects use that color information when drawing the mesh. therefore, since your graphiccard can’t do shaders (you mentioned in another thread) you even don’t see anything when using one of the effects (GouraudDirectional,…).
so what to do?
you can either try to remove the color information from your mesh, or give the mesh a color with alpha=1. or you can change the fixedfunction technique of any of the effects to not use the color provided by for example adding the line:
ColorVertex = FALSE;
somewhere after:
technique TGouraudDirectionalFF
pass P0
(you know: rightclicking on GouraudDirectional opens the effect editor)