the idea came up to create a thread in the forum concerning all the questions related to the submission for (which is in a couple of days)
the thing is, the submitted patch has to start up by executing a command in the commandline-interface. once the patch is running, it has to save a png-picture (4080x2720) in a path, that is also defined in the commandline-interface (actually at the same time when the patch is executed)
as tonfilm pointed out, the args (vvvv)-node is required.
what i did:
i wrote in the “args.txt” file the following command:
/o “c:\the_path_where_vvvv_40beta23_is\vvvv.exe”
2.i write in the commandlineinterface:
“c:\the_path_where_vvvv_40beta23_is\vvvv.exe” /writeimage c:\the_path_where_to_save_the_png\the_filename.png
thats basically it. the command /writeimage is defined in the args-node in the patch.
the idea is to submit the whole vvvv program in a zip, with the patch,the args file and so on.
the remaining question for me is, whether the vvvv.exe has to close automatically after it safed the png.
hi you can use Doquit or kill to close vvvv once the image is save.
just check the picture exist : loading everyframe or second the picture , till the pin up and running is set to 1.
hello, i tried this too, and i think we should all use the same commandline parameter. i did it similar, just used ‘/path “path_to_image”’
and the patch itself in the args.txt as you did.
and we have to sort out, whether the imagefilename should be in the path aswell… they say:
“command line arguments have to be deliverable to any save path. For every argument one generated image will be filed in an adequate location.”
does that mean they would provide more than one argument per call?
i agree that we all should have the same commandline parameters as well as the same structures for the filest that are provided.
for testing the processing example they write:
“Test your Application under Windows:
Open command prompt and drag the → yourApplicationName.exe into it.
press space and write filenames with absolute paths separated with spaces:
c:/yourpath/debug1.png c:/yourpath/debug2.png c:/yourpath/debug3.png …
press enter:”
so i assume that the filename is in the path… i guess they also want to be able to control the filenames.
although they dont have a specific commandline parameter, like “/path”, just the path… hm
“although they dont have a specific commandline parameter, like “/path”, just the path… hm”
You can do that with a batch file.
Starting the patch with a batch file and adding the variable name in the batch file to pass it to the exe with the right format for v4 , shouldn’t be that complicate.
its a stripped down vvvv, put in you modules/plugins as you need. then call vvvv.bat c:/yourpath/debug1.png c:/yourpath/debug2.png c:/yourpath/debug3.png … with up to 9 images. i hope 9 will be enough…
@lecloneur in the command line you have to write first the path to your .bat file (something like C:\Documents and Settings\o\Desktop\vvvv_writtenimages\vvvv.bat but of course it depends on where you put the folder on your computer), then up to 9 arguments separated by space where you specify the location and the name of the images you want to write ( something like this c:/yourpath/debug1.png but of course you need to specify a path that really exist on your machine)
Doing this, the args node in the patch will give you back the arguments you specified in the commandline and you can use them to write the files as tonfilm is showing in his patch.