but im trying to write a file, to be opened in something like After FX. and have some quick problems…
i have a really basic patch that is effecting a 3d space. everything is running in realtime grand. so when i go to write, everything writes and i can open the avi file… except when i playback the AVI,the quality is diminshed and the playback is way too fast! any ideas whay this maybe? typically i would like to write to a PNG sequence if possible.
is it possible to export with a transparent background?
what i know it’s not possible to write pngs with transparency. but you could work with masks - just do 2 renderings and use in the second one plain white (or an other color) over the objects and mask theme out in afx.
it is possible to write pngs with alpha
i do it all the time
works with Writer(EX.Texture) and Writer(EX.Texture NRT)
you need to modify the DX9Texture inside them, set the format to
A8R9G9B8 and your PNGs and even BMPs will have nice alpha
this doesnt work with screenshot writers
also set the width and height to the size you need
if you want realtime with antialiasing then i suggest you try
Fraps. on my quad q6600 fraps can capture 1920x1080 perfectly
real time