i am new to all these stuff…
i have an project to make, but i am not sure if it is even possible and i have no idea how to (even begin) deal with it.
I want to use wiimote to control the orientation of the display. And further on, i want the movie to react on display rotation, for exaple, if i turn display upside down, movie must turn, so the picture i see is in the right orientation (i dont want to see picutre upside dowm), and if i jitter the display the movie should jitter…
basicly as i imagined that stuff is, that i need to connect wiimote with smth (that as i google it and so on shuld be vvvv) and then process signals in real time, and somehow make movie react on signals.
i noticed that vvvv already has plugin for wiimote, but honestly said, i dont have i clue how to use it and how to connect it further with video?.
i would really appreciate any help, ideas on how to do it, better suggestions, and so on…
Have you used the wiimote with any other software on your computer? If yes I assume you know how to make windows recognize the wiimote as a bluetooth device, if not that is the first thing you have to do. I suggest http://www.wiili.org as a good place to read up on how to get that to work. Once that is done you should be able to use the wiimote in vvvv through the plugin.
I don’t really understand if with “control the orientation of the display” you mean the actual physical display or exactly what it is you want to do. However rotating and moving something like video output in vvvv based on the wiimote is pretty straightforward, connect the appropriate value outputs from the wiimote plugin to a transform(2D) node that is in turn connected to some geometry (most likely a Quad) and then a renderer. You should check out the documentation here on the wiki and built in help (select a node and press F1) for details.
I was rather tired when I wrote this but hope it makes some sense! :)
yes,it is physical movement of the display…
I have 4 movies, une just standing in the middle of the screen, one jumping on the one side of the screen and falling, one being on the floor and one standing up, so what i want to do is: when someone rotate the display, lets say for 90°, in the figure on the screen should jump and fall,if stays in this position (90°rotated)then the figure should stand up, and go to “normal position - standing in the middle of the screen”, or if we move display back to first - normal position it should jump again…
but then if we jitter the display the figure should jitter to… ok this is one thing i want to do, and the other is : no matter how i rotate the display i want to see the movie in the “right way” - meaning not up side down… for example if i m constatly rotating the screen in the same way, i wanna see the movie playing always at the same position, i know it will be foggy…
actually i want to do something like in cameras with the display and fotoaparats, when u rotate them, u still see the picture as you supposed too. just that i want to do this movies…
and normal movie player, dont have option to rotate “himself” :)
is vvvv interactive real time program? coz all the time i need to know which movie is playing and in which position is the display, so i can make the appropriate change of movie…
try kalles module to see the limitations of the wiimote.
due to the wiimote’s nature it is hard to get precise orientation for a 360°.