In the addonpack for Beta 26, there is this folder: TextureFX. All the patches that are in there look like modules, part of a bigger patch, I have not yet figured out what to do with them.
Seems some on has done a great job in creating/sharing some shaders, but for now it all remains a super secret mystery for me.
August 19, 2011, 3:33pm
@unc done this great job
seems devvvs forgot to put .Test patches
lets play a quest game:
please read addons45beta2601
follow forum link Pure image treatment question: wich evolution for vvvv? - question - Forum
find latest @unc post
download his last version of the pack and use .Test patches form it.
not sure if absolute/relative paths are correct, but it should works or at least show you how to use this great image pack.
I stopped reading that thread when it reached 20 posts, and I am not educated enough to understand that shader magic.
But the thing is still: I am missing the main patch that combines all these patches together (or something).
edit: too slow.
edit2: thnx bo27, seems like I am up for a quest, hope there is a price at the end!! :)
August 19, 2011, 3:46pm
ok… you simply miss one of the greatest party!
just follow sites/default/files/user-files/TextureFX_10_0.zip and use only .Test*.v4p patches from archive (probably you’ll need to fix links)
Those missing .Test*.v4p files where the key. Freaking awesome package!! Sure I will have some fun with these. Nice work to all involved. :)