WHAT AFUKKKIN....AUDIO(just a beat question)

hi all,
im here again…

is there anybody here who can explain how beat detector works?and audio too…

this is my problm: im tryng to modify a mesh on each beat, but it seems that i cant recognice the beat…i’ve try with audio in first, then with beat detector,but i think im doin something wrong…

how i have to connect beat detector to tthe patch?

the patch is now very simple, just a MeshDEformation in which i want to insert some audio analisis…please note im not a programmer, just a vj,so i’ll be glad if omebody can explain me this thing…

can you post your patch please, we can have a look at to make sure if the patch is correct. if it is, then maybe its a driver problem.

the audio in node is working correctly?

here is my patch…

prova.v4p (11.8 kB)

you have to connect the audio input to the beatdetector.
hope this patch does what you want.

prova2.v4p (12.5 kB)

tnx tonfilm tnx elektromeier ill show u the results…

k…it seems like audio in dont works…

is there a way 2 check where the problem is?

if is the audioin, my driver, my laptop…I can listen music and audio file,so i dont think is a driver problem…

SO WHAT???(im going to eat my pc…)

k…now it works…


tnx u all guys…