“ImageToProjection” node is missing (helppatch DetectFeature CV.Image),
someone knows where I can download it?
Hi again, I haven’t touched Packs.Image in a while, but you may have to rebuild the package manually to get it. The latest version seems to be Micro D’s that he’s modified and hosted on vpm GitHub - microdee/VVVV.Packs.Image: VVVV addonpack for plugins dealing with CVImageLink
thank you, but unfortunately not included
it is unclear to me if this node was ever part of a distribution. probly was only in a test branch. you may be able to extract it from this commit though: VVVV.Packs.Image/nodes/modules/Image/OpenCV/ImageToProjection (CV 2D).v4p at 9d1d46533fd8313a6a5a0084f998e4067c377ab0 · elliotwoods/VVVV.Packs.Image · GitHub
thanks, the helppatch it works now and i can see which information is basically generated. the weighting of the feature point is not quite clear to me yet but i’m still trying it out.
ImageToProjection.v4p (37.4 KB)
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