It seems like VVVV.Nodes.Bullet.dll is missing from addons 50beta36 x64. I do get a lot of red nodes when trying out the examples.
indeed this is confusing:
Bullet for DX9 is missing for x64 builds (just added that info!) even though \addonpack\girlpower\BulletPhysics demos are present.
but now just use the DX11 pack which comes with Bullet for both x64 and x86 builds.
Thanks a lot!
did you install both, the addonpack and the dx11 pack?
Yes, I did.
Bullet for DX9 is missing for x64 builds (just added that info!) even though \addonpack\girlpower\BulletPhysics demos are present.
Yeah, that’s what was confusing me.
So, the addon pack comes with the DX9 version while the new version of Bullet comes with the DX11 pack, is that correct? And that’s probably also the reason why the girlpower examples in the addon pack are not compatible with the new DX11 version of Bullet?
Might be clearer not to include Bullet girlpower in the x64 addon pack and explicitly mentioning the different versions of Bullet on the “missing for x64 builds” page.
Thanks a lot!
exactly like so and the “missing in x64…” page is already referring to the dx11 pack!
Thanks, @joreg you are right.
On the other hand, I wish the documentation of vvvv would sometimes be more verbose and explicit. That would save a lot of research time for noobs like me. In the case of the “missing for x64 builds” page, e.g. instead of:
- BulletPhysics → use DX11 Pack
you could write:
- DX9 BulletPhysics → use DX11 Pack which comes with the DX11 version of BulletPhysics
I know there is an “edit” button on documentation pages and was wondering if I can/should improve this myself. On the other hand, it doesn’t feel right to mess with the documentation while I’m still exploring everything and don’t even know if changes like that are commonly wanted. I’ve got more thoughts on that in general but don’t want to hijack my own forum thread. I’m gonna write another post.
done and very much appreciated. i can see how it is awkward to just go change wiki-pages but in case not sure just always come talk to us, either here in the forum or on riot. we’re usually quite responsive.
Cheers. I might a tiny change as well. ;)
Will do. Thank you!
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