VVVV Installer Crowdsourcing

Hi VVVV regulars,

I did some research about how VVVV can be packed as one setup.exe that includes all the dependencies and basically makes the installation process suitable for real end-users. Something that you want in some cases.

So first I wanted to do it myself with NSIS (NSIS Wiki).

But getting into the scripting language of NSIS is a bit time consuming and I hardly find that time - as it is always a personal wish but not a 100% requirement in a project.

But I found someone who is pro with that scripting language and he made an offer for 800 Dollar to make a reusable script that features:

  • Pack all the .exe dependencies like DirectX and .Net etc in this installer
  • Check if it is allready installed - if so do not install the dependencies
  • Pack the Project Folder inside the setup
  • Ask where to install
  • Create a Shortcut with Icon to a .batch or .v4p file

The installer can be created via commandline, so a module with a ShellExecute could pack your VVVV Project ready to ship and versioning would be easy.

So I wanted to ask if some one is interested and want to chip in some bucks to just get it done and make it a public script/module.


Yeah I’m in. sounds great. Anyone else? Wanna start a crowd funding page for this? CHeers

how future proof would we expect it to be after initial 800 USD?

e.g. if the structure of Packs changes, then there’d be some folder differences. or would it just use some auto-requirement hunting?

@evvvvil cool. im nut sure maybe crowdsourcing page is too complicated for this small thing. I would propose just doing it via paypal to my paypal account on trust base (and without paying indigogo or kickstarter). But can be decided.

@elliotwoods in this case i think it is not a problem. The VVVV folder is in the packed project folder, if you use a .bat it can just execute the .v4p with this vvvv version that you distribute.

We can talk about more features

in… no text …

don’t need scripting just browse through these softwares: http://alternativeto.net/software/advanced-installer/

thanks for the link.

can be definately looked more through those software.
To be honest I got a bit locked up on the NSIS idea with the module,
but I will check the other alternatives first.

Some I tried already:

  • Advanced Installer ( not free - high price if you want to pack additional .exe)

  • WiX (Just had a short look - I was a bit repelled from the documentation (WiX Toolset v3 Tutorial), but it can be used in the same way like NSIS i guess? takes also long to get into it)

  • Excelsior installer looks easy so far …

Lets do some more tests before going on with this 800 Dollar thing…

A step by step guide with ANYTHING would be enough here in the wiki actually