I did some research about how VVVV can be packed as one setup.exe that includes all the dependencies and basically makes the installation process suitable for real end-users. Something that you want in some cases.
So first I wanted to do it myself with NSIS (NSIS Wiki).
But getting into the scripting language of NSIS is a bit time consuming and I hardly find that time - as it is always a personal wish but not a 100% requirement in a project.
But I found someone who is pro with that scripting language and he made an offer for 800 Dollar to make a reusable script that features:
Pack all the .exe dependencies like DirectX and .Net etc in this installer
Check if it is allready installed - if so do not install the dependencies
Pack the Project Folder inside the setup
Ask where to install
Create a Shortcut with Icon to a .batch or .v4p file
The installer can be created via commandline, so a module with a ShellExecute could pack your VVVV Project ready to ship and versioning would be easy.
So I wanted to ask if some one is interested and want to chip in some bucks to just get it done and make it a public script/module.
@evvvvil cool. im nut sure maybe crowdsourcing page is too complicated for this small thing. I would propose just doing it via paypal to my paypal account on trust base (and without paying indigogo or kickstarter). But can be decided.
@elliotwoods in this case i think it is not a problem. The VVVV folder is in the packed project folder, if you use a .bat it can just execute the .v4p with this vvvv version that you distribute.
can be definately looked more through those software.
To be honest I got a bit locked up on the NSIS idea with the module,
but I will check the other alternatives first.
Some I tried already:
Advanced Installer ( not free - high price if you want to pack additional .exe)
WiX (Just had a short look - I was a bit repelled from the documentation (WiX Toolset v3 Tutorial), but it can be used in the same way like NSIS i guess? takes also long to get into it)
Excelsior installer looks easy so far …
Lets do some more tests before going on with this 800 Dollar thing…
A step by step guide with ANYTHING would be enough here in the wiki actually