VVVV Culture Around the World

Hi, guys.

I’m interested in the vvvv culture around the world.
So, I’d like to discuss with various country’s guys about such things like …

  • How many users in your country.
  • What kind of communication way are there in your country.
  • How to grow the vvvv community in your country.
  • How to learn vvvv in your country.
  • What should we do to expand the culture in each country.
    *… and so on.

I will go to NODE15 from Japan. I’m happy if we can discuss such theme at the NODE15. This is a good chance.
And I’m more happy if we can talk as a workshop. However that’s nice just gather and just talk at somewhere when NODE15 is holding.

Is someone interested about the vvvv culture?
Let’s gather at NODE15 !

If you have any idea about it, feel free to tell me. Please.


Actually, vvvv community is so small in Japan.
I wanna spread vvvv in my country. So I’d like to know any idea.

you’re going to love node! :)

I’m very looking forward !!

Anyway, if someone will go to NODE15 from far country, please feel free to contact me & let’s gather at somewhere on NODE15!

Ciao yhy,

good point trying to grow connections locally and worldwide about this tool!

I’m interested in this topic because I see locally around me no culture about this world and his potentiality, and I’m trying to create a lesson in Genoa university about Digital Design with vvvv in a new course called Digital Humanities.
We will attend Node15, arriving from Italy in a small group, let’s meet and hope you will create a little vvvv japan symposium, I love Japan :) Campai!

Just had a talk in Sofia :)
I think there are some people in Varna, but not so many in Sofia ;) as far as I know. May be now some interest is inspired.



Ciao! Konnichiwa!
It sounds great! I’m interesting in your plan. Please tell me your plan at the meeting!

Super! Japanese guys to attend NODE is small(about 3 guys) too.
Let’s gather on NODE!

Continuously, I’m happy if there are more guys who interested in this topic. Ofcourse German guys is welcome too.
I think NODE15 is a very valuable opportunity.
Please feel free to write something here.