Vvvv and kinect (install OpenNI)

Hi !
I finally succeded in installing Kinect Openni on my windows 10 (64).
Just an advice to the guys who are trying to install it : you have to reboot using allow unsigned driver mode.
And then install NI MATE (NI mate | Downloads) which has all the packages.
You can also install using the package list on vvvv kinect website.

So now i have PrimeSense Driver working on my hardware as listed on the screenshot.
I can also run openni sample files that activate the kinect.

But, the problem IS
That on VVVV, the command Kinect (Device OpenNI) [Phlegma, joreg](Phlegma, joreg)

Is not running (its red…)
Although addonpack is installed with OpenNIKinect.dll in the right folder.

I tried to reboot but the problem is still there.

Anyone knows what could it be?


I finally found the answer.
I reinstalled VVVV/OpenNi/Nite/SensorKinect in 32 bits.
Even though running on 64 computer, 32 bits is the actual mode that should be run.