Is there a way to load VSTs in gamma as it was done in beta with VST Host?
No, currently not. and from my communication with the devvvvs, it seems like it is not happening within the foreseeable future.
I did not repatch a project so I could use VSTs.
But I did make a plan where I would use Element as a vst host and then route the audio back and forth with Dante Via.
good luck with it
I had good success with the Midi nuget and using LoopMidi to send it to Bitwig.
OSC worked on first try as well.
One could even use something lightweight like VSThost.
Or the standalone VCV-Rack/Cardinal.
But yeah, would be nice.
I already voted for CLAP integration on the chat server :-)
Headsup: Thanks to sponsoring by m box and SCHNELLE BUNTE BILDER work on this has now started and we’ll report back here as we progress.
will it be based on Element?
It’s going to be a custom implementation of the VST 3 API.
any news on that?
yes, latest news is that we are happy to announce we have another sponsor joining for this:
and here we are: Introducing: Support for VST3 audio plugins
And now it is Christmas <3