Hi vvvvorum,
I have to play many videos with VLC dx11 but when I switch between different folders containing more than 2 videos VLC dx11 node play some audio when it loads the files even if the play pin and the volume pin are off.
Is there a way to solve this bug or a way to turn off/on the Windows volume from vvvv?
@antokhio: enable and disable VAudio engine creates some problems because when I disable VAudio VLC node doesn’t play audio anymore.
Concerning the Windows Volume Mixer I’m not able to manage the code to compile a plugin. Any help here? Also disable the main Windows volume is a way but I don’t know how to do.
@idab well here’s piece of already working code needed to be modified a bit… just a small forum search on "volume " maybe there is already working sample somewhere… who knows? (search the forum)
@sunep i know vlc won’t work with vaudio ;] it will just block the sound of vlc heh
Hi…i am a new user here. As per my knowledge the wrapper used in the little example does only expose GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar() but none of the other methos of AudioEndpointVolume.
The .net wrapper i linked to seems complete though. and it doesn’t need a documentation because you can get all the info from the CoreAudio API i linked to.