VL.PythonNET and AI worflows like StreamDiffusion in vvvv gamma

ah sure, yes, easy. Not meant to capture space for this purpose. I will remove it from here considering this is not directly related to the VL.PythonNET.

thanks <3

Here are some recent updates:


  • This new package utilizes a highly optimized TensorRT version of DepthAnythingV2 with direct GPU transfer, achieving interactive frame rates for real-time depth estimation from a live camera input.

VL.StreamDiffusion Updates:

  • New VAEEncode Node: This node encodes images into latent space, allowing smooth interpolation between two images for seamless transitions. Static image performance is also improved, as the latent result can be cached directly in the patch.

  • Seed Interpolation for Initial Noise: Now, the initial noise can be smoothly interpolated between two seeds, enabling “seed-traveling” in StreamDiffusion.