VL pauses with Kinect2 library

  • Install the Kinect2 library
  • add a VL template
  • try ot add an Output to Beta
  • VL pauses if you move the Output pin

Beta 40 with VL 2020.1.6

00:34:18 ERR : VL.Core.InitializationException in VL.Core: Initialization failed

at VL.Core.CompilerServices.AssemblyInitializer.Init(IVLFactory factory)
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.CallStaticEntryPoints()
at VL.Lang.Platforms.HotSwapper.SwapFactories()
at VVVV.VLIntegration.RuntimeHost.d__38.MoveNext()

VL.Core.InitializationException: Initialization failed —> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Stride.Core.Mathematics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at VL_Devices_Kinect2.UFzZq9LOxo3MtJDvgRWI7AInitializer.RegisterServices(IVLFactory factory)
at VL.Core.CompilerServices.AssemblyInitializer.InitInternalFactory(IInternalVLFactory factory)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at VL.Core.CompilerServices.AssemblyInitializer.InitInternalFactory(IInternalVLFactory factory)
at VL.Core.VLFactory.Initialize(AssemblyInitializer assemblyInitializer)
at VL.Core.CompilerServices.AssemblyInitializer.Init(IVLFactory factory)

Hello, you will need the latest beta preview for latest Kinect 2 nuget, we updated the references on that.

For beta 40 you need the previous version of the nuget.

Here is more info on that: vvvv gamma 2020.2 release | vvvv

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Surely I must remember to keep the VL versions in sync, thanks.

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