

LoopTool Logo

A small toolset to create video loops and record them in VVVV Gamma


  • Currently tested with vvvv gamma 5.2. and above. Get it here
  • Open the nuget commandline inside VVVV via Quadmenu > Manage nugets > Commandline and enter:
nuget install vl.looptool -pre


  • The core of looptool is the SceneWindows(LoopTool) node which adds the custom renderer and UI to your scene.
  • To get the phase of the looptool UI use the Loop node.
  • Press F1 and search for LoopTool inside the help browser to explore some example animations.


LoopTool Screenshot

  • Globally available playback LFO phase, as single loop, subloops and custom subloops.
  • Animation and blending nodeset based on Loop and subloop phase, tweening and random interations.
  • Control playback manually via UI
  • Capture your repeating animations as videos, image sequeneces or single images.
  • Stackable TextureFX Interface allowing access to Scene color and depth.
  • Presets! animated cameras, backgrounds and lighting and postFX presets.

🚨🚨 Disclaimer 🚨🚨

Looptool is my personal attempt to make my own creative process as easy and fun as possible.
At this stage of development im still trying to define and create the toolset that fits this purpose.
Breaking changes are to be expected. I will do my best to keep the recording as consistent as i can.


Help contributions and suggestions are very welcome. Consider creating an issue here or create a post on the vvvv forum. vvvv forum.



Known Issues

  • Resolution Multiplier broken on recorders
  • Video recording video VL.ScreenCapture sometimes is stuttering, not sure what the best settings for this are.
  • ITextureModifier ist currently using textureFX might get changed to new version from vl.addons
  • Animation nodes currently dont really exist yet

Looks extremely cool
Would be great to see a video tutorial!

Hey Brian, it was great to see you and your tool in the presentation at the Node institute yesterday, and I can report that today I was able to install it successfully, where before I always got an error from the VL.ScreenCapture.

I look forward to try it out!


(And also thanks again for your help with the text particles - the two bugs I ran into are now fixed by the FUSE team - Yay :-) )

So I tried it in VVVV 5.3.0423 and every example was broken:

So still no luck here.



Hey, I took a peek, nice work. Especially the “TextureFX system” is quite interesting. Did you completely come up with it on your own or were you inspired by some other libraries? Just wondering because in case I’d love to check those out too to get a better grasp of the principle.

There were some minor issues that prevented the nutget to work ootb. I made a fork and fixed those. I’ll make a PR if your are interested.

Last but not least: Have you thought about using Ableton Link as “time source” for the looping allowing to sync sound to the loops (or vice versa)?


@yar great idea i will try and do so!

@bjoern oh great thx, this is my first nuget had a look at you changes and they all look like they make sense. Thanks alot was not aware of these problems, yes a PR would be great.

  • @sebescudie helped with creating the ITextureModifier interface. Feel free to ask any questions here, its of course a somewhat experimental workflow :)
  • Ableton link: brilliant idea! OSC sync in/out is also on my radar but i wanted to look at this OSC query thing aswell

@thomashelzle sorry to hear that, might be related to these formatting issues @bjoern mentioned

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@thomashelzle Stable version 5.2 listed as tested
Preview is always a roulette with user contributions - might work, might not.
Explore the fork above or test it on stable 5.2

@yar Hahaha - you are talking to an early adopter-type here ;-)
I installed 6.05 yesterday to try out the latest Stride.Physics that is using Net8 and now not even 5.3 runs anymore…
Will have to understand versioning in VVVV now, but that’s a whole other topic… ;-)

@thomashelzle In a sense, this versioning situation allows for fast development. It is more or less an acceptable situation, although it requires some thought. Perhaps because we had previously assumed that you were an advanced user, we insisted that you install the preview version. Without it, many advanced features such as Fuse and many internal features are not available today.

And knowing this, you need to keep a close eye on the versions and in case something doesn’t work, automatically check for a stable one.

@yar I started using VVVV on the 10th of December 2023. So I am not “advanced” in that regard at all.

I started doing CG and 3D 30+ years ago, so I am a bit “advanced” in general, but not with Net or how VVVV handles versioning.

But anyway, I don’t want to derail the thread, we better move this to private messages or a separate thread.



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@thomashelzle You’re a fast learner

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