VL.Device.RealSense has problems with Stable2021.3 and Preview2021.4

Cannot start here the Nodes from VL.Device.RealSense.
They have problems with Stable2021.3 and Preview2021.4 but working with Stable2020.2.
I’m using a RealSenseDepthCamera D435
Win10 and Intel RealSenseViewer v2.41 - no Problem

************** Exception Text **************
VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.EmitException: C:\Users\CeeYaa\AppData\Local\vvvv\gamma\nugets\VL.Devices.RealSense.1.3.0-alpha\VL.Devices.RealSense.vl.cs(1027,39): error CS0314: The type ‘T1’ cannot be used as type parameter ‘TDefinitionSubclass’ in the generic type or method ‘ManualDynamicEnumDefinitionBase’. There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from ‘T1’ to ‘VL.Lib.Collections.ManualDynamicEnumDefinitionBase’.
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.g__EmitRelease|1()
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.Emit(IProjectSymbol project, CSharpCompilation cSharpCompilation, Boolean isDebug, Boolean includeSource, CancellationToken token)
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.g__Build|1(IProjectSymbol project, IProjectSymbol previousProject)
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.g__BuildOrLoad|0(IProjectSymbol project)
at VL.Lang.Platforms.Roslyn.TargetCompilation.<>c__DisplayClass2_2.b__5()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —

did you use latest preview version? NuGet Gallery | VL.Devices.RealSense 1.6.0

Sorry I forgot to mention it.
I tired it with
no sucess with with Stable2021.3 and Preview2021.4

ok, thanks for the report.

Not good that it ran in 2020.2 but not in 2021.3 anymore. However there was an easy workaround in the library itself contained in a new preview package (1.3.1-alpha) you can install with nuget install VL.Devices.RealSense -pre

Upcoming vvvv gamma builds (>= 2021.3.1-0087) will contain the proper fix.

It does now what it should

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