Vl.cef for SAP Analytic Cloud

Hi devvvs out there,

I am just checking, if it is possbile to Browse a SAP Analytics Cloud with the webbrowser.

The content in the Chromium Browser looks fine. If I log in to it via the webbrowser in vl everthing turns black after I logged in. the webbrowser is not throughing any error text.

here is a list for Technical Requirements for the Analytics cloud


Do you have any idea, what the problem is?
Can anyone help me with this?


… and downloading files from the webpage, doesn’t seem to work

The VL.CEF is based on a rather old version of CEF, 75.x iirc.
So to get a better comparison I’d try to use the SAP site with an equally old version of chromium:


thanks for the tip. it seems to be the problem. the browser is not getting any further after the log in. Blank page

VL.CEF.Skia and VL.CEF.Stride packs just got an update (0.5.x) to work with vvvv gamma 5.2. They are now using CEF 103. please test your page again.

if you don’t see any output, be sure to check the new Troubleshooting Info


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