I have a video player that uses VL.Mediafoundation and its been working fine. I’ve been asked to add a music player and some sound effect to the installation. By adding VL.Audio (which uses ASIO4All) VLMediaFoundation’s player node does not load any videos or even show the duration of the videos.
Ideally, I would play the audio files from VL.Mediafoundation to compensate, but that doesn’t seem possible. I’m not sure this is possible from VL.GStreamer instead either at the moment, or whether I should convert the audio files into video files for the purpose.
Any suggestions? (I have managed to get irrklang to work but the license is a bit expensive and it feels a bit daft just to play a bit of audio.)
To recreate:
with VL.Mediafoundation [006] and VL.Audio[0.2.4-alpha] installed, run the ‘How to play video’ help patch
reference VL.audio nuget. Add AudioEngine. The media foundation player should freeze.
Hm, just checked and works for me. Was using vvvv gamma preview (2020.3-0045 with Stride), VL.MediaFoundation (0.2.0-stride) and VL.Audio (0.2.4-alpha).
I get a short hickup when adding the AudioEngine node, but after that the ASIO4ALL (v2.14) window pops up in the bottom right corner and all is well from that moment on. Could also open the FFT help patch while the movie was still playing.
Unfortunately I still encouter this issue. Tested with:
ASIO4ALL v.2.15 Beta 1
Here is a demo patch and some test files to demonstrate the issue. Not sure if it is a vvvv bug though because as soon as ASIO4ALL is running videos played in VLC also don’t output any sound, but at least the video part plays fine.