Virtual display

assuming I have a PC with both its display adapters connected to 2 projectors, is it possible to have a virtual display I can connect to with a remote desktop ?
I ve found this
but haven t tried it yet.
Boygrouping is not an option because I d need to be able to disconnect the client without the master going down.

Remote desktop takes the whole session (the user with all its displays).
On Connection the host side gets “logged off” (you are outputting then a windows log on screen to the projectors and everything gets transmitted via RDP to the client). I do not think that your scenario is possible, as far as i know about RDP that i have used a lot. You could connect to an other users account on that machine letting the main account run as usual. That way you would at least get access to the host file system. Not sure that this works with non server windows versions.

You could use only one head of the gfx-card to drive both projectors using a matrox dual-/triplehead. To the remaining head either connect a spare monitor or something like a gefen dvi detective. make the one that has the monitor/dvi detective connected to it the primary output and put your patches there. Voilà. Try Teamviewer for remote access, it allows to switch between the different gfx outputs or even shows both at the same time.

yep i confirm teamviewer allow you to switch between the different gfx outputs and see the spanned ones…
but you need someone to get the id / pass to get connected to the client
or get the host license…

or use vnc to launch teamviewer on the client :)

@tgd: that depends on the remote desktop you use, for example Teamviewer doesn t nedd to grad the logged user, neither VNC does.

I know about Matrox, teamviewer, etc. but my idea/question was about a possible virtual display, to optimize resources (read make it cheaper) and to avoid redundant equipment.

I am so interested in this option that I am likely to file a feature request: pluggable session for Boygrouping, wouldn t it be fantastic to be able to simply launch the thing in fullscreen only on the server and being able to get back at it anytime you need it without the need to be always plugged in?

@io: yes, i was thinking of the MS RDP when reading just remote desktop. my mistake. thought that was what you mean.
isn t really doing what I expected… just splitting existing screen estate

it’s an interesting query. i’ve often wondered about this myself (and tried out many virtual display drivers)

i got some limited results with it, but ended up deciding a hardware solution was the only workable one (i.e. a hardware dummy display)

this was back on xp, so things might have changed

Page Redirection does the job but leaves the floor pretty dirty… it is a workable solution but it gets pretty messy and I am not so sure how reliable.
So the quest is still open … I ll need to try it on XP with dual view, double fullscreen.

Worth noticing it, the same guy also did this:

I did some googling and found those:

I tried the mentioned virtual video driver “dfquasar”, but couldn´t get it to work with Win 7 - I did not put much effort into it though. Maybe it works with XP…

Hi thanks Bjoern, the more I dig into it the more it seems to me that an hardware solution is easier and safer… yet I am surprised this is not a feature that has been implemented already at OS level.