hey vvvv,
i know its a topic which is a little bit strange. i have read all the post about it, but it will not run.
i have followed the instructions of the tutorial videostreaming
-i have created a cfg. in the right direction
-i have copied the .dll file to the vvvv/freeframe directory (the same.dll like in the attachment)
the fugStreamSend node appears in the fugstreamdemopatch which were offered in the tutorial.
if i hit the bang iobox which writes the new config into the file, the new content apears in the file.
but if i refresh the fugStreamSend node i got a fail which calls me “can’t find config for encoding”
so i have installed the older and the new windows update, tryed to change the the folder direction of the cfg. file…
but its not running…
i have attached the files which i use.
is anybody there who have solved this problem??
There has been hassles with this file for a while… AFAIK the plugin searches several loactions in case it can not find it, so I would try to put it into c:\ and in …\MyDocuments\FreeFrame\bigfug.com\ (adapted to your folder structure… so if you are from germany its …\Eigene Dateien\FreeFrame\bigfug.com). Hope this helps.
fugstream has been a little hit and miss with vvvv for me. i don’t know about your cfg worries, but in my case when streaming from vvvv → resolume avenue, it sometimes works and sometimes not, and the only solution i’ve found is to close vvvv/avenue, reopen, try again, wish for luck.
I can confirm this behaviour (sadly…), thats why I started to look into shared memory function of vvvv. Dunno if the plugin is available somewhere, so far no response.
I believe if there was a way to run VVVV along with other VJ apps on one machine there could be many people interested.
I was very frustrated by fugstream as well.
Once I streamed video via network with „videotexture → textureToString“ and it was working much better, but with a very small resolution. The bottleneck is textureToString here…