When I try to connect VideoIn Preview to Contour Video Input and ColorTracker Video Input at the same time, I get a message that the video driver is corrupted and my display goes to 640x480, 16 colors. I assume this is a known limitation. Is there a way around it? I also tried connecting the VideoIn Video output to Contour Video Input and the VideoIn Preview output to ColorTracker Video Input (both of which connected ok), but when I tried to display the ColorTracker output using VideoOut I got the same symptom (640x480). Where can I find the rules on DShow9 utilization?
such issues are quite driver related. the dx api reference is somewhere at the microsoft site. but why do you use VideoOut and not a Renderer on a second Screen as output? maybe your video card cannot process in and out in the same time with high resolutions…
It was probably my use of VideoOut that caused the problem. Using a renderer makes more sense. Thanks. Also, I was connecting a single VideoIn to two patches, even though the connecting pin didn’t show large on the second patch I connected to. I’m guessing each VideoIn patch drives only one other patch, so now I have two VideoIn patches. Only the first VideoIn patch sees the webcam I’m using, so I still don’t know how to get the input signal to both Contour and ColorTracker.
Also, I was connecting a single VideoIn to two patches, even though the connecting pin didn’t show large on the second patch I connected to.
I guess it shouldn’t have connected anyway.
Video streams can’t be broadcast to multiple nodes. I believe that’s a limitation of directshow, or the way it’s being used in VVVV at the moment.
But you can use both the “video” and the “preview” pin of the videoIn node, which gives you 2 outputs at least.