Hi my name is Ben
i have a problem during a projekt. my idea is to film someone with a camera and show it in realtime on a screen, witch functions like a mirrow. u look at the screen and it seems like u look at a mirrow. but the mirrow must be able to be influensed in time. this means there must be a software witch is able to make slowmotion of the realtimefilm an go back to realtime and so on. a tool to play with the time while filming.
i m sorry my english is not so well but i hope u understand it. i m from germany…
Wasn’t there an installation on Siggraph somewhen with a mirror-screen, which you can rewind in time, if you touch the screen? I know that someone here, rebuilt this with Vvvv. May be you check userpages.
You could use this patch as a base for your further needs.
One node could be of interest for you: Its the buffernode. With this you can store images and get it back. Check its help file (click it + F1).
Und aller Anfang ist schwer, aber bald wirst Du es lieben. Welcome to Vvvv.