I’m trying to use the WebServer and I can use it by opening a local browser, but trying to access the server from another machine on the same network isn’t working yet.
What I have done so far:
Checked that Gamma can access other PCs on my network with OSC messages
Made sure I open Gamma as Admin so the elevated privileges of the Server allow me to use non- IPs.
Checked the Watson Webserver page for how things should be setup, and this is where I get confused and perhaps hit up against a limitation of the Nuget’s current implementation.
I took a little look at to the github readme but generally Web config stuff is over my head.
To test, run the patch as admin, it automatically uses you network IP address. Try to open the webpage from the same machine. If this works, try opening the webpage from a different one.
Specify the exact DNS hostname upon which Watson should listen in the Server constructor. The HOST header on incoming HTTP requests MUST match this value (this is an operating system limitation) - first thing to do.
I’ve just checked, it was working when the listening IP was “computername.domain”. But I wasn’t doing a whole network setup, so I cannot guide you on that part.
@Rayment thanks, I’ll see if I can get the setup right. Its the sort of thing I play with with very often though its useful info to retain. I share a network with another company, so this should get interesting…
@bjoern this kind of worked, but only for one device. Once I tried to open it up to all device using that program, the old device remained happy but no others connected. Interesting program WFC but I found it only slightly less confusing than Win Defender Firewall’s default software. I keep getting the feeling I’m leaving a security hole somewhere :-?
@Rayment I also saw that on the page but I couldn’t understand what it meant. Its beginning to crystalize though. I’ll try the IP thing again tomorrow and then I might give it a shot and report back.
Couldn’t get more than one device with the IP address, and adding the urlacl didn’t cut it. I’ll have to delve into the murky waters of domain settings, but I don’t have time at the moment.
I made a bit of research on the topic, and here are my findings:
what I was saying about IP/computername.domain is not really valid. You can use there an IP address. And the advantage of using computer domain is independence from IP which can be changes at some point.
it will allow to use WebServer without admin rights. What it dose is whitelisting this hostname and port on your computer for listening of any user. You have to do it for .net and windows.
It is important to terminated the URL with a ‘/’ - make sure you write it correct.
Still the Firewall can block the port if your pc is not in correct domain. If so, you need to exclude this port in Firewall settings.
Right, so here’s an update. My laptop doesn’t seem to like Gamma at the moment but my workstation seems happy enough.
Opening Gamma in Admin mode allows me to specify the computer’s network IP address and other local devices can find the webpage I host.
The strange thing is that my mobile phone can’t find the webpage on the network, but a test phone that I use does. I’ll look into what that is but this Nuget works correctly with IP addresses. It will probably need an option do it can be configured with different domain based urls, but it works pretty well.