I’m trying to drive a collada - rigged character via its skeleton. Using setJoint works perfect.
But I want to use a vvvv bone skeleton (which has a different scale than the characterSkeleton) to drive the character nodes. I want to use rotations to do so, but the matrixoperations and mathstuff I tried didn’t work at all.
Basically i want to use a kinect to drive the colladaSkeleton and the boneLookAt seemed to get me the rotations between each limb.
Any ideas on how I can achieve that? Will my solution work at least in theory?
convert alpha from rad to cycles and feed it into AxisAngle(Quaternionset Vector) , normalize the upvec and feed that into AxisAngle as well and voilá: a rotate(Quaternion Vector) gives you the rotation.
i just have to find a way to feed it to the character nodes.
sadly this calculation is VERY cpu expensiv and I need to do many of these calculations for every frame. is there a cheaper way around or is it possible to do these calculations multithreaded?
I have been trying to map the Kinect’s ‘absolute’ rotations to ‘relative’ rotations that could be used in skeletal animation too, for a while. It took me quite some trial and error to get there, but I think I am close to a usable version.
I attached a patch that first creates matrix transforms from the 3 Kinect’s rotation vectors, and then tries to get the ‘relative’ rotations out of it.
I hope this helps (i don’t know if this is more efficient), but I am also curious about your approach, so I’d be glad if you posted a patch of yours, so I can see how you managed to do it.
@ft: it’s when you have your character in one animation software and pivots aligned to that particular software so you may have something like XZY instead of XYZ, also if your bones are not matching to the kinect’s it’s called retargeting… There is a nice example in SDK 1.5 showing how to do it with XNA.
to be more focused the XZY problem can be fixed by global mesh transform, but there is a problem that skeleton nodes are not acepting this transform,
so your character can be whatever in 3d space like facing floor etc, so with skeleton nodes it will work if you match your local orientation etc.
it’s quite hard also to export char in collada format… Maya 2007 your friend
still need to tweak my kinect nodes to release but first two are base
and SetRotate wrong old version, don’t use it
I solved your Problem a few days ago antokhio, used the look at as well :)
I’ll try to find the patches if you want me to.
Usig this approach with the character nodes does not work unfortuatly…
Where can I find the Kinect Node that outputs readymade rotations? The one in the 27.2 addon pack doesn’t output rotations…
sadly new driver release will go next addonpack
but we prob put it to contrib in the eve
well that one exactly like my old one…
now i just use lookat and two normals
p.s. since there is nodelist now we will try to put to contrib new driver with with instruction at night i guess
you were right, I forgot to normalize lol. Stupid me. Strangely I get the same results when I normalize it right. The first bone works perfectly fine. The second one doesn’t… there might me some hierarchy stuff that I have jet to find out… we will see what time brings