USB Steering Wheel

Dear vvvvusers,

Do you know if the node [GameController (Analog)] is working for steering wheel ?

I want to interface this steering wheel for example :

I need pedals, wheels and gears.

I don’t know how HID working, so I can’t use HID nodes…

Or an intermediate software to interface this steering wheel and Vvvv


yo Bartuc!

I guess that depends on the model, I can see here that some are supported in Windows.Gaming.Input, which also mean they could be accessible in VL

Yo Seb :-)

Thank for you answer. It seems a good idea, but I don’t know how to add this library into VL … I’m a noob in VL >.>
I found a DLL file into C:/Windows/System32/Windows.Gaming.Input.dll
I try to add it with menu but nothing appear in browser nodes. I read the gray-book to help me, but I failed :/

Maybe there are a VL NuGet, but I don’t find in and I don’t know to use xD

First of all, I will buy a low cost steering wheel to test with [GameController (Analog)] node.

Thanks !

im using this wheel+pedals:

idk if its low-cost enough for you but the game Controller in vvvv receives all the analog signals.
plug n Play :)


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I think the model T300 is working too. Thank you for this answer @hrovac ! :-)

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