I have recently begun using the Writer (DX11.Texture 2d NRT Advanced) to render video in good quality non real time. it works really well, but I do have the problem that I get dropouts. I get an error message that the disk is not available. When clicking OK, everything continues and I can finish rendering. the problem is that 3 frames go missing, messing up my render.
This only happens with USB drives, I can copy files nicely back and forth with high speed and everything seems to be alright, but I do get these dropouts when using the NRT writer. when I render to the main SSD it never happens.
Any suggestions on how to make the USB drives more stable?
On your chosen energy profil ( for example high performence ) go to advanced settings. Under usb deactivate selective usb energy saving ( somehting like that )
A shot in the dark… But this causes my external audiocard to go to sleep even though vvvv is using it.
yay :) maybe this should be added somewhere in the wiki, it may solve many usb related issues and its a default windows setting. maybe in → TroubleShooting | vvvv ?