Updating mesh based patches from dx9 to dx11

Thanks obernardoo, that’s a much simpler way of doing it than what i’d been trying to figure out!

and thankseveryoneishappy, although I appear to be missing the ‘passthrough’ node, its red when i open the patch. I don’t think i’d be able to make that much sense of what’s going on in there anyway.

Before obernardoo showed me the shortcut, I was assuming the solution would involve inputelement and/or indexedgeometry buffer, which I’ve still not been able to understand, even since posting this similar question (which coincidentally was almost exactly a year ago haha)

So, I can get on with this patch now with the shortcut, but I’d still love to fully understand what’s going on with indices and vertices and normals and all this stuff I have very little grasp of and how to make proper use of it all! Has anyone got a link to a page that provides a decent introduction to all this stuff, particularly if it’s related to VVVV? Or would anyone be up for giving me a bit of tutoring over skype some time, i’d be happy to pay for your time
