Update Cef Bindings (to 3.2272.2035) for better font smoothing in HTMLTexture

Hello, any chance to get an update to cefglue 3.2272.2035 soonish?

Tried to compile it myself and after a lot of hassle which involved some manual copying of files I got it to work (kind of). HTMLTexture (EX9.Texture URL) unfortunately crashes. The string version seems to work as expected though and has much better font rendering when compared to the version shipped with beta34.2x64 .


I’ve just updated the bindings to 3.2454.1344 and submitted a PR as you can see here:

I’ve also uploaded new NuGet packages (VVVV.CefGlue and VVVV.Cef.Binaries), which you should see flashing up as updates in the NuGet package manager of Visual Studio when opening the addonpack solution. But when updating the node to the new bindings somehow all the JavaScript functionality doesn’t seem to work anymore. I’m note sure if I’ll find the time to figure out why in the next two weeks, so if anyone else is interested feel free to try.

Thanks! … no text …

Concerning the Nuget packages. Perhaps you already know, but there are cef packages provided by the CEFsharp guys: x86 / x64. And there is also a discussion on bitbucket/cefglue about providing packages for cefglue and cef. They also brought this up in the cef forum. Maybe you can chime in and you can “pool your efforts”…