Hey there,
Is there a way to connect to a remote udp ip:port to receive data? For what I´ve seen, the UDP network client node only works as a sender.
What I am trying to do is to create a connection to an external OpenPTrack udp server which sends json strings with kinect data on them like this one:
{“header”:{“seq”:71251,“stamp”:{“sec”:1415305737,“nsec”:110138944},“frame_id”:“world”},“tracks”: [{“id”:387,“x”:-0.89131,“y”:2.41851,“height”:1.55837,“age”:29.471,“confidence”:.0500193}]}
From the web page:
OpenPTrack is an open source project launched in 2013 to create a scalable, multi-camera solution for person tracking, to support applications in education, art and culture.
Our objective is to enable “creative coders” to create body-based interfaces for large groups of people—for classrooms, art projects and beyond.
I have a running installation here and realized it would be nice to build a patch for everybody to be able to access the data through vvvv. But so far got stucked if I can´t connect to it!