Hi all,
I’m new to vvvv so I’m not sure if I’m misusing the Unzip (String) node or if there is an actual bug. I’ve found a similar bug report for Unzip (String Bin) from 2013, not sure if it’s been fixed there.
I have data from a CSV with three columns that I’ve split up using Separate. Now I want to get the third column into a separate Spread so that I can use it for a graph.
I’ve tried this with unzip, setting the Output Count to 3. The effect is that there is a third output but it remains empty. The data is spread over the first and second output.
Am I doing something wrong or is there an alternative approach or node to achieve this? If not, are the addon nodes in a public repository so that I can fix the bug myself?
One workaround I found is to switch the source node from SliceCount Input to SliceCount ColsRowPages and back and suddenly it works (see image 1 and 2)