hallo guys! I’m trying to create some nice pattern texture here.
As you can see when the rectagle are too stretched (or too shrank) the corners looks bad
There is a way to make all the round corner with same radius?
squares.v4p (20.5 KB)
hallo guys! I’m trying to create some nice pattern texture here.
As you can see when the rectagle are too stretched (or too shrank) the corners looks bad
There is a way to make all the round corner with same radius?
squares.v4p (20.5 KB)
Yea, for that one to work you have fix it in c#
You can grab that Shader - Shadertoy BETA And make a pattern
This guy has pretty nice tutors on Raymarching https://youtu.be/VaYyPTw0V84 you can get all the
Maybe you can try with VL and skia…
And you always can build your own with 5 quads and 4 segments
Check out the NineSlice (DX11) help patch.
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