If you seek to 02:23:00 of Introduction to vvvv For Coders with Elias Holzer and play, you’d see that one can use a C# script file (.csx) in their patches. However, when I select a .csx file in my vvvv, it tells me that the file is missing.
I’m on vvvv gamma v6.6.
And here are Visual Studio dependencies that I have installed:
.NET 8.0 Runtime
.NET Framework 4.7.2 targeting pack
.NET Framework 4.8 SDK
C# and Visual Basic Roslyn compilers
Am I missing a dependency or is vvvv unable to locate the file?
I’m not sure if that still works. To get real-time compiled C# just go to the quad menu → new and select a #c project. It will setup everything for you.
Oh that’s a bummer. I feel a script file reload faster as there is no overhead of a including a project. And it is especially a nice place to drop in mathematical utilities in it. Thanks anyway!
It is the same thing in the end, you can still write C# code like in the script and it will compile and reload on the fly, same speed, just another, more general setup.