I made ps3 eye plugin with code laboratories library and faced strange behavior.
build plugin with vvvv beta35.2 libs, but cannot use it on beta35.2 most of time, but no problem on beta33.7. (on win10 64bit)
“most of time” means plugin will crush vvvv itself or become red node, but sometimes open without any problem.
this is error message, it means failed to load external dll referenced from plugin.
00:00:12 ERR : Exception occurred during creation of plugin: The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.
Unable to load DLL ‘CLEyeMulticam.dll’: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A)
i understand CLEyeMulticam.dll is old one and cannot get support anymore.
attached zip file contains plugin dll and CLEyeMulticam.dll. drag & drop VVVV.PS3Eye.dll to patch and select DeviceList. you can try with vvvv x86 only.
sorry for the late answer…anyway this looks weird. when opening the .dlls with dependencywalker they show a lot of errors. still i can confirm that it works with b33.7…so no idea really.
can you by any chance release the sources of your plugin so we can debug this?
first guess (ignoring the fact that it works in b33.7): are you sure you’re using the correct version of the .dll with the correct version of the CLEyeCamera.cs file?
interesting, so that could probably be related to one of the visual-studio-redistributables. maybe b35 loads other dependencies than b33.7 and again different ones on win8, depending also on which you have installed. i’m afraid i have no idea how to debug this without spending potentially a lot of time on it…