Hey sebl! I got it run with beta 35x64. Right after install “ÎmagePack”. Thanks!
will test it intensively later on.
not sure how to get it in x86?
with VVVV.Packs.Image-sebl_beta43.2 installed I get red nodes in help patch.
I am able to run on two machines: one with win7 another one with win10, both with Nvidia card.
But I can’t get it work with Win10 and ATI card. I am using beta35x64 with IDS software 4.81
with nvcuda.dll in dependencies/opencv/x86 and system32 as well.
the node gives me error message: Der Typeninitialisierer für “Emgu.CV.CvInvoke” hat eine Ausnahme verursacht"
any suggestions?
edit: OK it has probably nothing to do with ueye node specifically and seems to be related to OpenCV and AMD card problem.
can you try the same with b35x86?
I’ve tried x86. Full of red nodes. But it was really AMD card problem. I replaced Fury with my old GTX 670 and all gets good
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