to disable ONE of two midi out nodes (same port) disables the other also. so, if i want to do a module that contains more than one midi out, do i have to connect the enabled pin only to noe of them ? port choose enumeration is connected to all …
Obviously you can use a Switch to avoid sending your data.
The enable pin is supposed to enable/disable the driver to keep it ready for other applications. i guess there is some code missing in the vvvv-midi-port-sharing system to deal with multiple midiouts.
having the port enabled all the time is basically fine. the only difference is that you can not have other midi-applications using the same port at the same time even if you dont send any data - but this might be an so called academic problem - you dont want to do that anyway.
if you want to use midi with multiple applications maybe midiOX is your choice
this usefull tool solved some “academic problems” for me
to leave the midi outs always enabled was sounding good but dont work for me. open one module is ok, but if i open a second one booth are dead and i have to restart vvvv (but not other applications runnig midi). only thing that works after loading a second module is to choose an unused midiport, but after changing midi port at the other module this port is also dead.
any ideas … ? … next beta ;)
only thing i can imagine, is to set the default at disabled and Microsoft GS-Wavetable SW Synth and to make a (bang) input pin that ONLY enables the port. so if a second will be opened, the MS GS-Wavetable SW Synth is dead for ever, but your own hardware or virtual midi ports will be still available …
completely agriing with kiio about midi ox solution:
you will solve this problem by sending to different Midi Yoke ports and then merged them in midi Ox.
“completely agriing with kiio about midi ox solution:
you will solve this problem by sending to different Midi Yoke ports and then merged them in midi Ox.”
i use midiyoke and it works great, the simple solucion i have in mind to your question its a swich node…
i have another question, how do you send a midi note ?
i can send a fader value to midiyoke, but if i try to send a midi note i hear the playback of a midi sound on my sondcard…