the lastest alpha,seems the Trautner doesn’t work, reported as APPCRASH,Fault Module is libopencv_imgproc231.dll. also,the ARTK+Tracker node with videotexture not working atm,no given images. if i delete the ARTK+Tracker node the error message sayin:
Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception message: Access violation at address 152DFBCC. Write of address 62B29B11.
Exception address: 152DFBCC
hm. both trautner and artk+tracker are working for me in the latest alpha.
the crash on your side seems to be related to the new opencv2.31 libraries used. do you have the same problems with the other trackers (contour, camshift, color, fiducial)?
no,the other trackers working as usual. only the Trautner has a problem.
my cpu is Intel Core™2 Duo CPU P8700 @2.53Hz
i’m running win7 64 bit,btw.just for clarify,when i open the traunter help patch,the videoIn node is red (which seems to me is a normal,because the videoIn node somehow can make the YUY2 as defaut format,so i always have to change it manually,same thing with beta27.1&27),but that’s fine like i said still can working with other trackers.
as soon as i changed the format from “none” to “yuy2”,till the ActiveMovie window pops up,it causing v4 to crashes.
thxs for the help,will try that too. but another strange thing is that i replaced all the opencv from openCV2.3.1.
after that the Trautner start working also the videoOut window. then,i testing with other trackers,and CamShiftTracker stop working this time(the rest are fine),same error again,so i thought maybe i have to recompiled it against the opencv2.3.1,and i recompiled with cb. this time,the CamShiftTracker working, however the Trautner did crashed again,same error. no idea what’s going on here,any clues? cheers
btw,if nobody don’t have this problem,that’s fine,maybe just my crappy webcam or something mess.
i downloaded from opencv sourceforge which is here OpenCV download | ,the OpenCV-2.3.1-win-superpack.exe one. and replaced the files from opencv2.3.1 folder build\x86\mingw\bin to vvvv\lib\thirdparty\opencv