TodoMap - create variable for output only

I’m trying to use todo to control LEDs of a midi controler.
The LEDs have there own controller n°, so I can’t use the “learn” function of Todo.
I don’t find where to edit “manually” the variables.
Any tip ?

that’s sound suxx
“The LEDs have there own controller” i mean ppl when u learn lol.
anyways, tweak xml
think ther is an option to do that from interface but i’m not sure

I did it in the xml…
not total fun, would be great to know if that’s possible in the interface

sry no midi controller around

For now input/output is learn only, so if it’s not possible to learn from device itself you have have to go into xml route for the moment. (Note to self: add small textbox in editor so people can edit osc/midi channels.