This patch stops rendering

hello all. i modified the unscharf patch in the girlpower folder (see attached). for some reason, when i ‘record’ the image sequence, it stops after an unspecified amount of time.

also, i’m using virtual dub to process the image sequences. when i render the image sequence to an avi file via virtual dub, the resulting movie file is quite jittery. is this because of the troubles that i’m having when trying to render/record in the unscharf patch? or is thsi a problem with virtual dub?

also, is this the only way to render images in vvvv (via sequences of jpegs instead of an actual movie file)?

Are there any other programs render image sequences like virtual dub?

thanks much!

my version of unscharf 2.v4p (15.0 kB)


I’ve tried your patch and was able to render 500 frames without any problems. Which is the last value in the currently saving iobox ?

Maybe using Renderer (TTY) might display something usefull for debugging.

Concerning rendering questions, you can find some nice infos in this old thread and also have a look at FAQ Rendering.

thanks anachronik. i figured out that this problem occurs when the render window is ‘outside’ of the patch (in its own window or in fullscreen mode). as long as the render window is inside the patch, everything seems okay! great.

relating to that, how do i control the aspect ratio/resolution of the rendered image? how do i make sure that the resulting image sequence is rendered in 1024x1024?

thanks everyone!

figured out that this problem occurs when the render window >is ‘outside’ of the patch (in its own window or in fullscreen >mode).

That’s not normal, i’ve tried with the renderer in window mode and it works. So you may have a problem somewhere here.

Concerning aspect ratio, you have a node to handle this, see AspectRatio (Transform) . Setting both Backbuffer width/height pins to 1024x in the Renderer (EX9) node should help to save 1024².

okay. so this is really bugging me out. i haven’t been able to get this to run smoothly. i thought i had a fix with placing the window inside the patch. nope. everthing runs smoothly until i hit the ‘record’ toggle…then my cpu shoots to 100percent.

any ideas, anyone?


hello all. i modified the unscharf patch in the girlpower folder (see attached). for some reason, when i ‘record’ the image sequence, it stops after an unspecified amount of time.

also, i’m using virtual dub to process the image sequences. when i render the image sequence to an avi file via virtual dub, the resulting movie file is quite jittery. is this because of the troubles that i’m having when trying to render/record in the unscharf patch? or is thsi a problem with virtual dub?

also, is this the only way to render images in vvvv (via sequences of jpegs instead of an actual movie file)?

Are there any other programs render image sequences like virtual dub?

thanks much!

and Renderer (TTY) doesn’t tell you anything when this happens?

hello dieterbohlen. thanks for your response. i’ve checked the Renderer (TTY). I tried opening the patch with 33betta11.1 (and other old and newer versions. this doesn’t seem to solve anything.

here is the readout from the TTY:

Everything you know is wrong
physical : in use= 44, total = 1047932 kb, avail = 583012 kb
virtual : in use= 2, total = 2097024 kb, avail = 2049496 kb
paging : in use= 14, total = 2519480 kb, avail = 2162604 kb

00:00:00 - : enumerating game devices
00:00:00 * : patch C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\my patches\alakart~2 patches\my unscharf detector\my unscharf detector.v4p has been marked as changed because of convertions (from to 33beta14). you will be asked for OVERWRITING your patch with the updated version…
00:00:00 * : patch C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\modules\Writer (EX9.Texture NRT).v4p has been marked as changed because of convertions (from to 33beta14). you will be asked for OVERWRITING your patch with the updated version…
00:00:01 - : Texture (Width: 1, Height: 1, Format: X8R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1) loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:00:01 - : a resource loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:00:01 * : patch C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\my patches\alakart~2 patches\my unscharf detector\FFT4Channels (DShow9 Resample).v4p has been marked as changed because of convertions (from to 33beta14). you will be asked for OVERWRITING your patch with the updated version…
00:00:01 : Adding samplegrabber and null renderer
00:00:01 : Adding node to filtergraph: FFT (DShow9)
00:00:01 : FFT (DShow9).Audio → SampleGrabber.Input
00:00:01 : Connecting from: AudioIn (DShow9).Audio to: FFT (DShow9).Audio
00:00:01 * : nil pins can not be connected in directshow graph
00:00:01 : getting output of SampleGrabber
00:00:01 : Getting input of NullRenderer
00:00:01 ERR : There is no common media type between these pins.
00:00:01 ERR : The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
00:00:01 * : couldn’t find/create node (ID: 1) in patch root.v4p ////. deleting action.
00:00:01 - : Hid (Human Interface Devices) DeviceController - OnDeviceChange
00:00:01 - : Texture (Width: 205, Height: 195, Format: X8R8G8B8, Mip Map Count: 1) loaded in 0.000 seconds.
00:00:01 : Adding node to filtergraph: AudioIn (DShow9)
00:00:01 : AudioIn (DShow9).Audio → SigmaTel C-Major Audio.Capture
00:00:01 : Connecting from: AudioIn (DShow9).Audio to: FFT (DShow9).Audio
00:00:01 : ds connect from: Capture to: Input
00:00:01 : getting output of SampleGrabber
00:00:01 : Getting input of NullRenderer
00:00:01 : Removing node: SampleGrabber from filtergraph
00:00:01 : Removing node: SigmaTel C-Major Audio from filtergraph
00:00:01 : Adding node to filtergraph: AudioIn (DShow9)
00:00:01 : AudioIn (DShow9).Audio → SigmaTel C-Major Audio.Capture
00:00:01 : Adding node to filtergraph: FFT (DShow9)
00:00:01 : Connecting from: AudioIn (DShow9).Audio to: FFT (DShow9).Audio
00:00:01 : ds connect from: Capture to: Input
00:00:01 : getting output of SampleGrabber
00:00:01 : Getting input of NullRenderer
00:00:01 - : Texture C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\alakart 2\snippets\poly\zz_flowers.jpg (Width: 346, Height: 324, Format: X8R8G8B8) loaded in 0.068 seconds.
00:00:32 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:34 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:35 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:36 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:36 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:36 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:37 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:37 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:38 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found
00:00:45 - : File: “C:\Documents and Settings\JARED\Desktop\4v\vvvv_33beta14\help\Renderer (TTY) help.v4p” not found

thanks for the help!


there are better ways for capturing.

my favourite is writing single jpgs from each frame with Writer (EX9.Screenshot NRT).v4p by @jannis

then i use the free JPGVideo to make an avi from this.
for sure you can do this also with virtualdub.

see also