hey vvvvellows,
since i’m still kind of new to vvvv (used it for about a year) i’m quite excited about node 10 so i have some questions which could not be answered by studying the node site. as i’m probably not the only one i’d say let’s start discussion right here… :)
these are just some thoughts which crossed my mind. feel free to join in and post yours…
-i have sort of split identity jobwise. i am an employee of macina which does have no usage for vvvv (and therefore no budget to spend on increasing my vvvv knowledge), but on the other hand i founded my own small studio with a friend this year (yay lab - no web presence yet. shame on me.) where i try to offer vvvv services among other services. so as this small studio is still in the process of building up i am in the unfortunate situation that i simply can’t afford the pro ticket at the moment. i’d say the price is totally fair, but since i only have one vvvv client who only buys sort of an extended slideshow once a year that barely covers the yearly license. (no software license i bought in my life felt nearly as good as getting vvvv license btw ;)) so to make an already too long question short: i had to opt for the fan ticket and wanted to ask if that is fine with the organizers.
-does anyone have any good suggestions on where to find a nice (cheap is also highly appreciated) bed for the week?
-will there be video captures of the sessions? i think that would be awesome as there is quite some overlapping of highly interesting sessions. i’d really enjoy to consume the sessions i missed when i’m back home.
-are we going to have an outdoor boozing bonfire like at a demoparty? (ok, just kidding here…)