Here on my Windows 7 machine the font just looks fine. In my vvvv same as in your photoshop. Can not really make out what node you use to show the text, I used the Text (EX9) helppatch, beta 32.1 32bit.
Westbam, sorry, I need dx11 bold text (forgot to mention in thread’s title), and as Vux recomended here DX11 Text misses bold version - bug - Forum I’ve updated pack to latest version and used these nodes…
I found a workaround while doing some trial and error. Seems that the error only occurs with fonts that have a weight other than regular.
In my case the Helvetica Light did render as some totally other font. I edited the font using a font editor and removed all indications of “light”:
First I changed the “weight” attribute to “regular”. That was not enough. I also had to remove the word “light” from the “style” and “styling group” attribute.
Just an info in case anyone still has the problem:
Vux released an update in the latest DX11-pack. Font Enumeration works now. Had the problem because I downloaded the previous DX11-Pack for 33.7