is it possible to use vvvv with teleo boards
has anyone done this before or have some experience with it?
is it possible to use vvvv with teleo boards
has anyone done this before or have some experience with it?
looks like a nice toolkit…
i see five ways to interface these things to vvvv. all have some problems, but at least one should turn out to work…
(1) you could use the flash renderer to host the
teleo flash classes. note that you can set and get arbitrary variables from flash by providing their names at the according input pins. the way you data flows four times through your machine before it ends up in the device might be completely stupid, but it should do the trick.
(2) while reading the documentation, they are talking about installing a Teleo XML Server which sits on port 50000 and receives data and sends it to the modules. if you dig up some more information about that server on their vast web page, it is possible to send or receive data within vvvv by means of a TCP, UDP or HTTP nodes - depending on the protocol. with that someone could write modules which very much resemble the max/msp objects
(3) on the application sdk page they are writing about a low level protocol. i did not find any more documentation of that protocol, but it looks possible to communicate with the modules by sending and receiving binary data over the serial port (it looks like they are simulating a serial port over usb) perhaps they have some example programs somewhere. directly accessing the serial port has the advantages that no drivers or xml-servers are needed. you can include everything in your patch.
(4) would be begging us to include native support for that system in one of the future releases - the api seems quite simple, but a clean and simple integration would need some thinking. i need to check if they have german distributors or if we find a need for the modules…
(5) if you dont plan on much flexibility any seasoned c hacker would probably make a freeframe plugin dll in less than a day from the given c samples. but this would be a hack.
tx for your answer,
yes its a very nice toolkit… i use it for a couple of weeks and its very simple to use with flash and max… just plug it in change a few lines of code and it just works… don’t fight with electronics (assembler etc.) a like it… maybe its a little bit expensive and since they have NO GERMAN DISTRIBUTOR (they told me) you have to order it from US and pay “zoll” for it… (i live in austria)
so i will give try your possibilitys in your anser a try… version 1 works but its tooooo much workaround ;-)
maybe vvvv and teleo will talk together in the future… i write the same question in the teleo newsgroup and they like vvvv but never heard before…
It does seem quite expensive for the features it offers at first glance. Have you compared the teleo with stuff like basicstamp http://www.parallax.com ? easier to get, and they provide an easy path to the real cheap microprocessor based approach. Should be easy to communicate with via RS232.
Hi, I have a teleo starterskit myself, i use the FlashMidi classes (http://www.alexisisaac.net/products/flashMidi) to let the teleo module generate midi from a flashplayer, vvvv listens to midi input using Tonfilms MidiNotePlayed patch et voila. I haven’t tried using the flash renderer yet, is this a better way?
ok i realize now that the flash renderer is a much simpler approach…